SPCNM College Rules
In accordance with the College’s dedication to the education of the country’s leading holistic health practitioners who will contribute to the health and wellbeing of themselves, their families, and their diverse communities, the following rules apply:
Students are expected to:
- Uphold the College’s good reputation at all times.
- Be punctual for lectures, clinics and appointments.
- Refrain from using mobile phones during lectures and clinics.
- Be considerate of, and show respect for, all of those in the SPCNM community.
- Show care for the buildings, furniture and resources of the College.
- Refrain from smoking on or in SPCNM property.
- Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages on or in SPCNM property without the express permission of the Chief Executive.
- Abstain from using illegal substances on or in College property or at any College functions
In addition:
- All visitors must sign in at Reception.
- Visitors may not attend classes, unless by explicit invitation of the Chief Executive.
- Children may not be brought to class and other arrangements must be made if they are unwell.
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