Children’s Activities
Sue Dodsworth – Graduate Practitioner
Worried about how to keep the kids amused next week?
They might enjoy some of these activities. Make sure that you pick age-appropriate ones. Let us know below in the comments (on Facebook) what you have planned for them or games and activities you enjoyed as a child yourself!
We are going on a bear hunt
We hope you enjoy the picture of some of the bears from SPCNM staff and their families. Some are now quite elderly, having been much loved and some are enjoying a new lease of life from a prized window seat. Even our Prime minister has joined in this activity! Why not join us in putting a teddy in your window for local children to enjoy spotting.
You can find out more here:
- The Bear hunt
- We are going on a Bear Hunt -NZ
- We’re Not Scared – NZ Bear Hunt
Nature Scavenger Hunt.
Our own Auckland Botanical Gardens have posted a link for an activity that encourages children to go on a nature-based scavenger hunt in their own back gardens or locality
Try using search terms such as ’nature treasure scavenger hunt’ to find more ideas
Treasure hunt at home
You could use some of the links below to set up your own home treasure hunt with clues for your children
Books over the internet has made a number of its children’s books free whilst schools are in lockdown
Auckland library
Even though the physical building may be shut, did you know you can still take out eBooks?
Children’s author David Walliams is currently releasing a free audio story on his website every day
Mindfulness and managing emotions
In these times of uncertainty, changing routines and social isolation, teaching our children how to practice mindfulness can be a valuable tool
The Sparklers website has some great resources for children to use
Insight timer has a large library of free meditations including ones for children.
StopBreatheThink encourages children to check in with how they are feeling and provides some short guided mindfulness activities
Pom Pom animals
If you have any wool at home, what about getting your children to have a go at making Pom Pom animals – with Easter coming up they could make rabbits and chicks
You can find more Easter based craft activities here:
Playdough is a great way for young children to improve their fine motor skills, creativity and concentration. The benefits of playdough are many, but please discourage your child from eating it!
- You can find some recipes here:
Growing things
Microgreens are quick and easy to grow and can be grown on a window sill. Microgreens are the young seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs – but please don’t use any old vegetable seed as some may have been sprayed with anti-fungal products. Make sure you use ones suitable for microgreen growing. They don’t take long to grow and will be ready to eat within a couple of weeks or so. They can still be bought online from places like Kings Seeds ( who are still open for online orders
Hand Shadow puppets
Did you make animal hand shadows on the wall when you were a child? Maybe your children would enjoy doing that too. Here are some links
More ideas
Finally here are some links for a range of activities that you can enjoy with your children
We hope that in the midst of these exceptional and uncertain times that these few activities help you to enjoy the extra time that we rarely get to share with our children.
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