Certificate in Study & Employment Pathways – Natural Medicine (Level 4)
Gain a new qualification, within one year, that prepares you for future study at degree level and helps you build the foundation for a rewarding career.
This programme is an introduction to tertiary study and will set you up for success for degree level study. It is aimed at developing the skills, knowledge and attributes for further education in natural medicine for our Bachelor’s degree, or in another degree programme. The Certificate in Study & Employment Pathways – Natural Medicine graduates will have gained skills that are transferable to a future career or business.
The Certificate in Study & Employment Pathways – Natural Medicine is a NZQA registered programme. Students may be eligible for StudyLink loans and allowances for full-time study, or Fees Free study.
Following completion of the Certificate, students may apply for entry into the Bachelor of Natural Medicine. Successful graduates of the degree may work as a Naturopath and/or Medical Herbalist, as a professional advisor to a health product company, consultant to a health shop or pharmacy, or in teaching/community education.
The Certificate is taught with live lectures on Zoom. Courses have a formal structure with new material being released every week and scheduled assessments.
Note that the courses are NOT self-paced and that students are required to keep pace with the weekly schedule of classes.
The Certificate is being offered full-time in 2025 (over 20 weeks, February to June) completing four courses.
The requirement for full-time study is 16-18 hours access to the online learning management system (Moodle) weekly, and at least an additional 16-18 hours per week of self-directed learning.
Students will need to show a high level of commitment and be self-motivated. We also support interested students to create study groups with their classmates to encourage each other to succeed.
The Certificate comprises of four Level four 15 credit courses:
Introduction to Natural Medicine
Four hours of course work per week (online). For every hour of course access, students are expected to engage in an at least an additional hour of self-directed learning.
Course Objectives:
This course introduces students to the philosophy of natural medicine and the concepts of herbal medicine and Rongoā Māori in a New Zealand context. Topics include the concepts of holistic health, well-being, a healthy lifestyle and prevention of disease. Additionally, the principles and goals of herbal medicine will be explored, and a range of herbs and their traditional and modern applications studied.
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrates an understanding of holistic health and its importance in natural medicine
- Demonstrates an understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi
- Discusses the constraints and limitations of natural medicine within the New Zealand health system
- Learns plant identification in readiness for use with simple health ailments
- Presents work to an appropriate standard and demonstrates academic integrity
Introduction to Biological Sciences
Four hours of course work per week (online). For every hour of course access, students are expected to engage in an at least an additional hour of self-directed learning.
Course Objectives:
In this course students will be introduced to the essential concepts of the biological sciences. General principles of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, and nutrition will be explored with reference to the normal healthy human body.
Learning Outcomes:
- Explores matter, elements and atoms, chemical bonding, acids and bases, and biological molecules
- Demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts regarding structure and function of the human body
- Explores microbiology and germ theory
- Explores the significance of nutrition in health and wellbeing
- Presents work to an appropriate standard and demonstrates academic integrity
Academic Learning Skills
Four hours of course work per week (online). For every hour of course access, students are expected to engage in an at least an additional hour of self-directed learning.
Course Objectives:
In this course students will develop study and academic skills essential to tertiary study including academic writing, paraphrasing and referencing, and a full understanding of academic integrity.
Learning Outcomes:
- Develops questioning, reading and writing skills
- Develops skills for oral and written presentations
- Demonstrates proficiency in paraphrasing, citation and referencing
- Develops and critiques a study pathway that identifies specific long-term goals
- Presents work to an appropriate standard and demonstrates academic integrity
Computing and Digital Skills
Four hours of course work per week (online). For every hour of course access, students are expected to engage in an at least an additional hour of self-directed learning.
Course Objectives:
In this course students will develop skills in information and digital technology in an academic context.
Learning Outcomes:
- Demonstrates proficiency in a range of computer skills including word processing, spreadsheets and electronic presentation
- Demonstrates proficiency with electronic databases, referencing, and industry related software packages
- Presents work to an appropriate standard and demonstrates academic integrity
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